Officer Training Unit Association INC

Minutes of the meeting held at
Toorak Services Club
72 Clendon Road Toorak
1800 hrs
Wednesday 4th September 2013
1.1 Present
Frank Miller, Peter Don, Roger Nation, Graeme Chester, Robin Hunt,
Ray Elder, Brian Cooper, Bernie Gleeson, Peter Hateley, Harold Moyle,
Warwick Walker.
1.2 Apologies
1.2.1 Apologies:
Wayne Bruce, Rob Youl, David Taylor, Peter Don.
1.2.2 Apologies and nominating the Chairman, Frank Miller as proxy:
Ian McEwan, David Maddison, Don Ramsay, Rick Thomas, Gerard Garard,
Phil Warwick, Kevin Dixon, Ian Tucker, Alister Pope, Colin Scott, Brian Vale,
and Russ Henderson
1.2.3 Apology and nominating the Secretary Bernie Gleeson as proxy:
Brian McCarthy.
1.2.4 Apology and nominating Robin Hunt as proxy:
Jay McDaniell
The Chairman noted that a quorum had been achieved.
2. PREVIOUS MINUTES (5th September 2012)
The minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Wednesday 5th September 2012,
were circulated prior to the meeting.
That the minutes, be accepted as a true and correct record
Peter Hateley / Ray Elder AGREED
3.1 Chairman’s Report (Frank Miller)
Frank Miller tabled the 2012-13 Chairman’s report, as presented at the June National Council Meeting. A copy is attached to these minutes as Appendix 1.
That the Chairman’s Report be received:
Frank Miller / Robin Hunt AGREED
3.2 Treasurer’s Report (Ray Elder)
The Treasurer briefed the meeting and tabled the financial statements for the year ending 30th June 2013, and the associated auditor’s report.
Copies of these reports are attached as Appendix 2.
The meeting reappointed the Auditor for 2013-14. The Chairman undertook to write to the Auditor to thank him for his assistance.
That the Treasurer’s Report be received:
Ray Elder / Brian Cooper AGREED
3.3 Membership Report (Graeme Chester)
Graeme Chester reported that as at 4 September 2013, there were 363 Financial/Honorary/Widows members compared to 371 at the same time last year.
Graeme intends to send out a couple of reminders before the end of the year.
A favourable outcome of the National Reunion in Sydney was obtaining information on approximately 50 additional members, as well as updated information on 70 members to be loaded onto the database.
Number of Graduates 1880
Number on Database (Incl DNG/Staff) 1628
Number Financial 335
Number Honorary 21
Widows 7
Number Deceased 117
Number Unfinancial (Not Renewed) 993
Number Unfinancial (Do Not Contact) 155
Totals 1880 1628 363 1265
Of the names on database 22.3% are financial/honorary/widow.
Of the names on the database 7.2% are deceased.
Of the names on the database 61.0% are unfinancial (not renewed)
Of the names on the database 9.5% are unfinancial (do not contact)
That the Membership Report be received:
Graeme Chester / Neil Leckie AGREED
Discussion took place in relation to how Life Membership awards were tracked and recorded. The meeting resolved that initially the collective resources of those in attendance would be directed towards recovering an original certificate before establishing a current list
and procedure for future awards. The meeting also resolved to acknowledge Life Members at formal functions in keeping with like organisations.
3.4 Scheyvillian Editor’s Report (Neil Leckie)
The Scheyvillian Editor’s report is contained at Appendix 3.
That the Scheyvillian Editor’s Report be received:
Neil Leckie / Brian Cooper AGREED
3.5 Webmaster (Roger Nation)
The Webmaster’s report is contained at Appendix 4.
That the Webmaster’s Report be received:
Roger Nation / Robin Hunt AGREED
Victoria was the only state to present a report. Other States/Territory forwarded reports by email. They are included at the following Appendices.
a. Appendix 5 – Queensland.
b. Appendix 6 – New South Wales.
c. Appendix 7 – Victoria.
d. Appendix 8 – Tasmania
e. Appendix 9 – South Australia.
f. Appendix 10 – Western Australia.
g. Appendix 11 – Australian Capital Territory.
All positions were declared vacant, and with the exception of Robin Hunt replacing Brian Cooper as Deputy Chairman, all previous incumbent office
bearers nominated prior to the meeting for re-election. The Chairman declared the following elected.
Chairman; Frank Miller
Deputy Chairman; Robin Hunt
Treasurer; Ray Elder
Secretary; Bernie Gleeson
Youth Leadership; Frank Miller
Membership; Graeme Chester
Scheyvillian; Neil Leckie
Webmaster; Roger Nation
Members; Brian Cooper
Peter Hateley
Peter Don
Rob Youl
On behalf of the OTU membership Harry Moyle offered appreciation to the National Executive’s for their efforts in administering the Association, and keeping the members informed through the Scheyvillian and the Website.
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 1901hrs.
Bernie Gleeson
1. Chairman’s Report.
2. Treasurer’s Report.
3. Scheyvillian Report.
4. Webmaster’s Report
5. Queensland State Report.
6. New South Wales State Report.
7. Victoria State Report.
8. Tasmania State Report.
9. South Australia State Report.
10. Western Australia State Report.
11. Australian Capital Territory Report.
Appendix 1
Nationally, the Association has had another highly successful year. The most significant item on the calendar was the April 25 – 28 reunion in Sydney. Nearly 800 people took part in at least one of the three major events that comprised this get together. The first was
the Sydney ANZAC day parade. Four hundred and ten Scheyvillians marched behind the OTU banner after which they adjourned to one of three restaurants for a fine meal, remembrance and fellowship.
OTU was afforded two unique honours for the march. Firstly, we received a special salute from the Governor of New South Wales, Her Excellency Professor Marie Bashir AC CVO. Secondly, we led the post WWII contingent- being the most senior corps in that grouping.
The second major function was the reunion dinner at Doltone House, Pyrmont where some 600 of us enjoyed a night to remember. Finally was the Church Parade at St Mathews Windsor followed by the March onto the parade ground then luncheon at Scheyville itself.
The whole reunion was absolutely superbly organised and was further aided by perfect weather. It well and truly exceeded all expectations.
Many classes also took the opportunity to hold reunions adding further to the celebrations.
Our sincere thanks go to Greg Todd and the people of the News South Wales Chapter and especially to Dick Adams, John Bushell and Geoffrey Bennett. All of the hard yards put into organising each and every activity paid outstanding dividends. It was four days that
will stay in our minds forever.
Our National newsletter, “The Scheyvillian” maintained its position as a focal point again with three outstanding issues being produced by Editor Neil Leckie. It is always fascinating to read so many articles of interest and, especially, of what’s happened in the lives of
different members over the years.
Neil has also done much in expanding our collection of OTU memorabilia. He has a vast collection of documents pertaining to all that happened at Scheyville over its time of operation. Furthermore he has worked closely with the people at the RMC Museum to ensure
that important records, boards of honour, the colours as presented by the Governor General in 1967 and other significant items are stored there with due prominence. We sincerely thank Neil for his tireless efforts as both editor and keeper of the unit history.
Our association with the NSAA continued with chairman Frank Miller attending two of that organisations National Council meetings – one in Surfers Paradise in October and the other in Sydney in March.
The OTU Association website underwent further modifications and improvement over the year. These have made it even more effective and user-friendly. People are urged to use it for advertising any State chapter or other events that they may be running. It is
certainly a valuable means for communicating any messages. Our thanks go to Roger Nation for all he has done as Webmaster.
Our youth development work continued strongly. This year we sponsored fourteen young ladies and seventeen young men to the Lord and Lady Somers camps held at Somers on Westernport Bay, Victoria in January. Three and four respectively were funded in
conjunction with the Rotary Club of Healesville. Several other initiatives were also undertaken around the country.
Is pleasing to report that our membership increased over last year’s 485 to 497. Certainly the national reunion had a strong part in maintaining interest in the Association. Our thanks go to membership officer Graeme Chester for the fine job he has done.
The national Q store has now ceased operations with very little if any of the original merchandise being held. Quartermaster Wayne Bruce has made a valued contribution over the years and we are grateful for his input.
Financially the Association remains in strong health. The precise situation is outlined in Treasurer Ray Elder’s report. The national body contributed some $40,000 to the April reunion. This was very much regarded as money very well spent. We are most appreciative for
all Ray has done in his role
Six new Life Memberships of the Association were announced at the June National Council meeting. These were to:-
John Bushell (4/69) for his part in running the Sydney reunion.
Wayne Bruce (2/70) for his longstanding service as National QM.
Paul Ford (1/72) for his work in taking interstate Lord and Lady Somers Camp groupers to and from the airport over many years.
Roger Nation (3/68) for his work as National Secretary and Webmaster.
Greg Todd (2/71) for his Chairmanship of the New South Wales Chapter over many years.
Terry Walsh (3/69) for his contribution as National Secretary in the earlier days of the Association.
Sincerest congratulations to all of you and the Association is grateful for all you have done.
It is clear that the celebration of the “Scheyville Experience” continues around the nation. Some state chapters are stronger than others but, none the less, the camaraderie that exists between those who attended OTU all those years ago remains as strong as ever –
and has certainly been given a boost by the April reunion. We do need to look towards the future and just where the organisation heads as our membership ages. Your National Executive will be giving serious consideration to this aspect in the near to medium term
May I take this opportunity to extend a sincere thank you to all the people that I have not mentioned so far who have contributed so much to the Association’s operation over the year. Deputy Chairman Brian Cooper, Peter Don, Peter Hateley, Robin Hunt, Rob Youl
(OAM) and Secretary Bernie Gleeson. Your efforts have been very much appreciated. We look forward to the next twelve months with great confidence.
Frank Miller
National Chairman
Appendix 2
Balance Sheet
As at 30 June 2013
Consolidated sub accounts
This Year Last Year
NAB Trading Account
NAB Fixed Deposit
Other Debtors
Youth Leadership Donations
Other Creditors
Subscriptions in advance 2012/2013
Subscriptions in Advance 2013/2014
Retained Earnings
Trading Profit and Loss Statement
For the year ended 30 June 2013
Consolidated sub accounts
This Year Last Year
Subscriptions Received
Q Sales
Sundry Income
Interest Received
Bank Charges
Display Cabinet – RMC
National Council Meeting Costs
Pay Pal Costs
Printing and Stationery
Rebates to State Chapters
Q Purchases
Reunion 2013
Scheyvillian Costs
Scheyville Signage
Sundry Reimbursements & Expenses
Subscriptions and Memberships
Website maintenance
Wreaths & Funerals
Independent Auditor’s Report
to the members of Officer Training Unit Association (National)
Report on the Financial Statements
I have audited the accompanying four pages of Financial Statements, being a special purpose financial report, of the Office Training Unit Association (National), which comprises the Balance Sheet as at 30 June 2013 and the Trading Profit and Loss Statement for the year ended 30 June 2013.
Committee’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements
The Committee of the Association is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the Financial Statements, and has determined that the accounting policies are appropriate to meet the needs of the members. The Committee’s responsibilities also include (1) designing, implementing and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of the Financial Statements, so that the Financial Statements are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, (2) selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies, and (3) making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances.
Auditor’s Responsibility
My responsibility is to express an opinion on the Financial Statements based on my audit. No opinion is expressed as to whether the accounting policies are appropriate to meet the needs of all members. I conducted my audit to obtain reasonable assurance as to whether the Financial Statements are free from material misstatement.
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the Financial Statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgement, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatements in the Financial Statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, I have considered the level of internal control required in maintaining the financial records of the Association, and have designed audit procedures that are appropriate in this circumstance. An audit also involves evaluating the appropriateness of the accounting policies used, and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by the Committee, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the Financial Statements.
The Financial Statements have been prepared for distribution to members for the purpose of
fulfilling the Committee’s fiduciary responsibilities. I disclaim any assumption of responsibility for
any reliance on this Report or on the Financial Statements to which it relates to any person other
than the members, or for any purpose other than that for which it was prepared.
I believe that the audit evidence I have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for my audit opinion
In conducting my audit, I have complied with the independence requirements of Australian
professional ethical pronouncements.
Auditors’ Opinion
In my opinion, the Financial Statements of the Officer Training Unit Association (National), presently fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the entity as at 30 June 2013, and of it’s financial performance for the year ended 30 June 2013, in accordance with common accounting practices used by small associations.
Signed by David Burke this 21st day of August 2013
David Burke- Fellow NTAA, Fellow Institute of Accountants
Practising Accountant for 36 years
660 Cranbourne- Frankston Road
Cranbourne South Vic 3977
Appendix 3
Since the last AGM I have published three Scheyvillians, 3 of 2012, 1 of 2013 and 2 of 2013.The Scheyvillian 3 of 2012 published in December 2012 pushed the then upcoming Reunion. The Scheyvillian 1 of 2013 was published in time for reunion with the latest
information available (at the time of printing) for the national reunion.
At the reunion:
The last of the ‘Hard Copy’ Scheyvillians, along with the remaining 2003 OTU Reunion DVDs and ‘Hard Copy’ Directories were distributed at Scheyville. The selection of photographs displayed in the Cadets Mess at the reunion were donated to National Parks at
After the reunion:
I visited the RMC Duntroon Museum on return from the reunion. The cabinet looks good and the OTU photograph albums are available and some class photographs are in the album.
By the year’s end I will hope to have sent up to 40 photographs per NS Graduating Class for placement in the albums. I have very few photographs of the Portsea Overflow Classes, but I am beginning to receive some Overflow information.
I have donated my original OTU issued blue ‘Refer’ jacket and my issued OTU tie to the RMC Museum. The reunion generated much memorabilia and photographs, both before, during and after. Some of this was included in The Scheyvillian 2 of 2013.
The Scheyvillian 2 of 2013 was mailed to Roger Nation for placement on the Website on 28 August (it arrived on 2 Sep). Hard Copies were presented, to those requesting them, at the AGM. Input for The Scheyvillian 3 of 2013 is already being received (items of a non-
reunion nature) and all input will be required by early November to ensure that edition is out by Christmas.
A typical 40 page issue of The Scheyvillian costs under $5.50 printed, enveloped and posted.
Dick Whitaker (1/69) has given the Bureau of Meteorology Website where Rainfall and Min and Max Temperatures are available for the Richmond Weather Station for the whole OTU Period. An article will be prepared for the Scheyvillian 3 of 2013 on this interesting site.
For the Reunion, Geoff Houghton sourced and purchased from the AWM, on behalf of the association, DVDs of the 2/68 and 1/72 Graduation Films. He requested that in lieu of being refunded the purchase price of $65.40 the money be used to pay his membership
($50) and that the residue ($15.40) be placed in the Leadership Fund.
Moved Neil Leckie, Seconded Brian Cooper. Carried. Note: Frank Miller borrowed the 2 DVDs.
Neil Leckie
The Scheyvillian
Appendix 4
Over the past year the website has been maintained on a regular basis, updating as required. This included a security patch and the addition of a second level of access security.
An obituaries column has been added to the front page, and is updated when information is supplied.
Publicity regarding the Reunion was added when requested, and a link to the reunion website established. Since the event these have now been removed. The photo gallery has been updated on many occasions, the latest, on 2 September, with images and
information gleaned from the reunion. A new gallery containing nearly 700 images taken at the 2013 reunion has been created.
Distribution of each edition of The Scheyvillian is primarily by posting it on the website, and using the bulk e-mail facility of the site to advise all classes of membership that it is available. This is very easy to do and costs nothing to achieve, compared to the printing and
postage involved with hard copies. Notification of the second edition for this year was e-mailed to 1511 Scheyvillians (honorary, financial, wives and unfinancial).
The one disadvantage of using the bulk e-mail facility, is that it removes all images and formatting from the required text, so that the OTU logo etc. never show up on the distributed e-mail.
During the year, all past editions of The Scheyvillian were re-scanned using better quality original copies, and the website now holds a complete set. We have recently received from Bill Moss, another disk of scanned copies of The Scheyvillian, this time scanned using a
high quality commercial scanner, which promise to be of even better quality and smaller files so that they will load faster on member’s computers. These will be uploaded in the next week.
Many membership renewals and donations are received using the website’s secure credit card facility, PayPal, and the Webmaster acts as the intermediary between PayPal and the Treasurer and Membership Officer in this regard.
On the advice of the QM, the Q store section has been progressively reduced, and is closed at present. As the Webmaster is the first point of contact for any Q store sales, the committee might consider appointing the Webmaster as acting QM for the small quantity of
badges and stickers that remain.
In reality, the Webmaster’s main function on a daily basis, is to act as a postmaster, re-directing e-mails to the Treasurer, Membership Officer, QM or Chairman as appropriate.
Finally a reminder to all State Chapters (and paragraphs), the website is the ideal place to promote coming events, monthly lunches, reunions etc., and to post snippets of local news. At present, only the Victorian section has any recent information, so the website is
being underused in this regard.
R. Nation
1 Sep. 2013
Appendix 5
Activities for 2012/13
Monthly luncheons have successfully continued on the second Thursday of every month at Fridays Restaurant, Eagle Street, Brisbane. These traditional lunches were in decline but over the last year have had resurgence in popularity with an average of 12 to 15
members each month.
Anzac Day March – Following considerable interest and spurred on by our colleagues in Sydney and Melbourne we have been allocated a permanent spot in the Annual march by the Queensland ANZAC day committee. More importantly we are able to march as a
separate contingent to the National Servicemen’s Association. We have been granted permission with our own allocated spot for OTU Scheyville Association for all future Anzac Day Marches. We anticipate about 15 to 20 members will attend annually. This year we did
not march as all but two of our regular attendees were in Sydney for the National Reunion March which will never be surpassed.
The Annual Black Tie Dinner was held at the United Services Club on 6th April 2013. We had 52 very keen starters including one of our Patrons Brig. Dick Flint and his Partner Danae. The night was a resounding success with Grace said by Hugh Begbie and a host of
tall tales from Gordon Hurford, Gerry Garard and Neil Weekes on their “Best and Worst Experience in Army”.
The highlight of the Year was undoubtedly the brilliantly organised National Reunion in Sydney. A large contingent of well over 100 Queenslanders travelled to Sydney to be part of the festivities. The Queensland Chapter wishes to publicly thank the organisers in
total, but especially Dick Adams and John Bushell for the most enjoyable Reunion that we could have had. It encompassed every aspect of the Scheyville experience and wrapped it up in a cloak of friendship, camaraderie and holiday brochure picture perfect weather.
What else could you ask for.
It is planned to have a Barbecue luncheon on or about early September 2013 at Owen
Williamson’s ranch.
Owen Williamson (4/70)
Queensland State Chapter
Appendix 6
The NSW Chapter continued with its regular, albeit low-key, activities during the last year. Lunches were conducted on the second Thursday of Feb, May, Aug and Nov at inner-Sydney and middle-Sydney locations alternatively. The Annual Mixed Dinner was held at
Victoria Barracks Officers Mess on 28 Jul 12.
Attendances at the lunches were consistently in the 20-25 range with a moving population as members travelled overseas, visited grandchildren or (even!) worked, thereby scheduling lunch as they could. Despite the close proximity to the reunion, our last lunch in May
13 attracted 33 members, our biggest crowd for some time and including a few first-timers.
Again, we invited the young people we sponsored to attend Lord and Lady Somers Camps in Jan 2012 to come to the Annual Dinner (with a parent) and to address the diners on their experiences – as ever, they proved to be a fine group who responded to the
challenge of speaking to strangers with confidence and conviction.
Last dinner saw the smallest number of attendees for many years reflecting the general disillusionment with the Mess as a venue – it is attractive and historical, but the food and service has been less than satisfactory. We will be trying a new venue, the Royal
Automobile Club, for the upcoming Dinner on 7 Jul 13.
The Chapter attempts to make each event self-funding and uses its annual allocation from subscriptions to fund the sponsorships of kids to Lord and Lady Somers Camps each year.
Contact with members is by email quarterly or as required for special notices. Currently there are over 300 on the email list. Members have been added over time whereas others have not been removed from the list when they have moved interstate or overseas. I’ll
liaise with Graeme Chester when he has updated the database after the reunion-induced refreshment of details so as to reconstitute a proper NSW Chapter e-mailing list.
NSW Chapter activities continue to foster a fine atmosphere of camaraderie among members. We look forward to a suitably-rewarding and enjoyable coming year.
Greg Todd
Appendix 7
This was the third year of this State’s being responsible for the running of the National Association. Crucial here was the effort involved in liaising with the New South Wales people who were in charge of running the April 2013 OTU reunion in Sydney. It is pleasing to
report that this event was a huge success.
The Victorian Chapter itself experienced another successful twelve months with all activities enthusiastically supported.
The August Geddes Dinner, held at the Toorak Services Club, was once more a fine occasion. Our guest speaker this year was Scheyvillian, Alan Brimelow AM (3/69). Alan’s most interesting talk ranged over his military roles and, later experiences with the UN
concentrating on his duties as Chief Security Advisor in Afghanistan. He presented a detailed social and political history of that war torn country. As well he gave an insight into the people themselves and those in power there. Our thanks go to Ray Elder for again
organising this feature of the Victorian calendar.
In October the Chapter held a special dinner at the William Angliss College with Keith Payne VC and wife Flo as guests of honour. This was combined with the annual wine tasting which was normally held in March. Keith was head of OTU’s Fieldcraft Wing when the unit
was first opened. He gave a fascinating account of those early Scheyville days. Of particular interest was his most favourable assessment of the quality of the cadets who trained there. It was an excellent evening and we were honoured to have such a great man and
his wife with us. Thanks to Rob Youl and Peter Hateley for their organisation.
Later in October the seventh Victorian annual golf day was held at the Waverley Golf Club. The contestants first enjoyed a fine sandwich lunch before heading to the course. After a pleasant eighteen holes we gathered in the clubhouse for prize giving and fellowship. A
great day was had by all.
Next on the calendar was the yearly weekend away. This time it was organised by Graeme and Heather Chester around the Healesville area. We started with a visit to fire- affected Marysville where we enjoyed lunch and visited some of the local attractions. From there
we travelled to Healesville and booked into the RACV Club. After a social game of bowls and a golf putting competition we reconvened in the evening for a superb meal in the club’s dining room. The next day we visited a couple of local wineries, enjoying lunch at a
restaurant attached to one, then finally headed to a boutique dairy products outlet for cake and coffee. Our thanks go to Graeme and to Heather for a most pleasant weekend.
This year the Victorian chapter directly sponsored six girls and twelve boys to the Lord and Lady Somers camps. A further four girls and three boys were funded in combination with the Healesville Rotary Club. Several Scheyvillians again accepted the invitation to visit the
camp and witness the activities first hand. All were most impressed.
The next event on the Victorian calendar took place in April. This was the tennis day and was again held at the Kooyong Centre. After a round robin competition we adjourned to the dining room. There, joined by more friends, a meal and great fellowship was enjoyed
by all. Thanks again go to Denise Cosgriff and to Colin Lindsay for their organisation.
The Victorian Chapter did not March in this year’s ANZAC Day parade as so many members were in Sydney for the national reunion.
The final event on the Victorian calendar was the annual dinner. Again held at the William Angliss College this was very well attended. Rather than having a special speaker this year MC Ray Andrews showed a humorous collage of photos depicting our many activities over
the year. He was ably assisted here by Maggie Friend. It was brilliant very well received. Thanks to Ray Elder, Ian Kelly, David Maddison, Peter Hateley and Peter Don for their help in putting this function together. We are also grateful to the people of William Angliss and
to Chris Coates (3/71) for enabling us to use this first class facility.
Financially the Victorian chapter remains relatively strong – although not quite as robust as this time last year. Thanks to Treasurer Ray Elder for his help in this area once more.
I would also like to thank personally all on the Victorian/National executive for their efforts over the year. Specifically these are Brian Cooper, Peter Don, Rob Youl OAM, Roger Nation, Graeme Chester, Robin Hunt, Peter Hateley, Wayne Bruce, Neil Leckie, Ray Elder and
especially newly elected secretary, Bernie Gleeson. Your input has been very much appreciated.
Frank Miller
Chairman, Victorian Chapter.
Appendix 8
The Chapter would like to express thanks to the NSW Chapter for their organization of the recent national reunion. They are to be commended for the event and those from Tasmania who attended spoke very highly of the event. Thanks are also expressed for the
class coordinators for the class events. Tasmania would support another reunion.
During the year the chapter held successful quarterly lunches, enjoyed by those attending. As with most other chapters, a majority have now retired and travel frequently which precludes attendance at some lunches.
As was the case at Scheyville, not all of our attendees were national servicemen. We have two members from those who entered the service to train as pilots and one who resigned after being given the option of a senior term repeat.
Finally we were able to have Peter Dalkin join us for a luncheon in May. Peter was at Scheyville undertaking the Sydney University Regiment Course conducted during their vacation (SURVACTO Course from Sydney University Regiment). We are hopeful that Peter will be
the first of his ilk to take up membership of the association.
Peter trained at OTU Scheyville Dec 65/Feb 66 then again in Jan 67/Feb 67. He graduated but on completion of his degree joined the Diplomatic Service after which he no longer served.
Future luncheon dates will be promulgated in the Scheyvillian and as usual interstate visitors are most welcome to attend.
Finances to administer a small chapter are limited, however some expenses are absorbed by the committee as is no doubt the case with all chapters.
The Scheyvillian is well received by members and again we commend Neil Leckie for his perseverance in the production. Although available on the website, the hard copies Neil sends us are eagerly sought after.
Like other chapters, we still receive no replies from some. Although the chapter has small potential numbers, unfortunately no response on traditional mail outs increases the administrative burden of trying to keep address details up to date. Ray Williams is to be thanked
for keeping the mailing list as up to date as possible under the circumstances.
Dennis Townsend
Appendix 9
The highlight of the year was National Reunion with many from SA attending.
We have asked the National Treasurer to direct any additional funds from subscriptions and donations to Operation Flinders.
We have continued with the concept of 2 lunches a year to celebrate the establishment of OTU on the nearest Sunday to 01April – and to round the year out the nearest Sunday to 01 October. As many SA members live around the seaside suburbs, the Glenelg
Football Club has proven to be a suitable well-priced and flexible venue with lunches averaging a dozen attendees.
Gary Vial
Appendix 10
The OTU Association in WA had a pretty full year dominated by the preparation for and attendance at the National Reunion in Sydney in April but with other significant events detailed below.
OTU WA had 48 financial members for the 2012-13 financial year, up slightly on the 44 in the previous year. This was probably as a result of the Reunion.
Regular events, the quarterly lunches, organised by Frank LeFaucheur and held on the first Friday in Feb, May, August and November at the Romany Restaurant, continued to be well attended with between 12 and 15 rolling up (and rolling out). Franks arrangement
with Enzo the proprietor to allow the use of members to bring a bottle of special brew as a BYO continues to be popular with many exotics being introduced and offered to all and sundry for tasting.
OTU WA continues to actively support Youth Development initiatives with donations to Legacy Camps and the square rigged training ship Leeuwin II, on which several members serve as crew from time to time.
The National Reunion was the highlight of the year (decade ?) with 27 WA representatives attending and 22 partners. Most stayed at the Menzies Hotel, arranged by Jay McDaniell and the WA chapter and utilised also by another 22 attendees and partners from around
Australia. Close to the forming up point for the ANZAC Day march and right on the doorstep of the airport train, it proved a useful address for the WA Group Welcome Reception on the Wednesday night, at which all WA members attended, and where special guest
Dick Adams was welcomed and thanked for his role in the Reunion organization.
As a result of the mass exodus to Sydney for ANZAC Day, the usual strong representation in the Perth ANZAC march was limited to a couple of members attending with other bodies – but the OTU banner will be back on parade in 2014 !
The committee of Frank LeFaucheur and treasurer David Ward, assisted at times by Jay McDaniell and others, have ensured that members are well served by information, relevant events and that the finances are kept in the black. This has ensured that WA attracts
slightly more than its national % share of financial members and continues to uphold the association’s aim to provide support for youth development and leadership training.
WA applauds the National Committee for the outstanding success of the National Reunion and its continued stewardship of membership and financial strength.
Jay McDaniell
Appendix 11
The primary activity for the ACT Chapter is the monthly luncheon, which is generally well attended with six to twelve attending the gathering at the Royal Canberra Golf Club. The Chapter also supports various Youth Programs; in particular the Chapter has become a
very active supporter of Rotary’s RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Award) Program by becoming a major sponsor of the annual event held in January each year. The program aims for young people to achieve their potential.
Winston Bucknall